Yuan Hou is a results-oriented Product Designer based in Brisbane, Australia. Specialises in HCI and UX design to bring the better usability and accessibility to the product. Solid background in user interface software and web design framework such as Figma, Protopie, Adobe Suite and Bootstrap. Experiences in motion graphic, 3D modelling, and interaction design such as Arduino, Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro, Cinema 4D, and Unity.

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Cy Gorman

Designer, University Lecturer, and the founder of Nurobodi

“As the director and founder of digital wellbeing startup Nurobodi and a digital media subject designer and lecturer at RMIT Melbourne, I'm always on the lookout for talented thinkers and designers. Yuan excelled in his work at RMIT and it was a pleasure to mentor him towards recognizing and developing his skills. What particularly interested me about Yuan was his genuine understanding for empathetic design thinking within an immersive digital sphere. Yuan was very receptive in being directed to hone his technical flair for production design towards creating elegant projects that showcased the skills for a future-focus on interactive and empathetic digital design. I can see him going on to achieve big things in AI, Interactive Design or HCI design but really anything Yuan sets his heart and mind to will flourish.”